Technical writing

I’ve been fortunate enough to call myself a technical writer at four fantastic SaaS companies.


A brief collection and description of various freelance documentation projects I’ve had the opportunity to work with.


In my spare time, I enjoy collaborating with different open source projects. In these projects I often contribute to technical documentation, content creation, and copy editing.

Happy paths

Understanding and creating happy paths: new user UI/UX, user experience mapping, and Get Started guides.

Master's research project

Linear programming and optimization modeling for health sciences

Ecolabel research project

McGill Department of Political Science comparative ecolabel research project

The importance of information architecture

Information architecture refers to the structural design of information in a given environment. Or, as I like to think of it, a representation of the “desire path” for a subset of knowledge. It’s a practice that can easily be used in the creation and maintenance of help centers.

Research seminar on dilated cardiomyopathy

Canine dilated cardiomyopathy: Investigating the roles of taurine, diet composition, and nutrient processing on heart health

Writing prompts I

Three pieces detailing multidisciplinary positions towards climate issues

Web design I

Mobile compatibility and uniform design for a Zendesk help center.

Web design II

HTML and CSS web build exercise

Technical communications department roadmaps and OKRs

Creating roadmaps and OKRs for a Technical Communications department

Retail COVID-19 news release

A letter drafted for a local pet store in response to COVID-19

Building a static site I

Documenting my experiences building a static site using Hugo: part 1

Building a static site II

Documenting my experiences building a static site using Hugo: part 2

Building an Antora site I

I had previously provided some documentation for a local server build project. For this project, we used Antora to host the scripts and versioned docs.

Business writing

Here is an example of a short report and executive summary I created during my time at the University of Calgary. The excerpt includes a brief description of the intended audience and purpose. Part of the assignment was to create an imaginary audience and purpose that would necessitate writing a ten page report. For my focus, I decided to use an environmental narrative, with emphasis on research, and a sales tone.


A localization project for an open source LaTEX application

This GitHub collaboration opporuntity allowed me to take several skills—information architecture, copy editing, concise technical writing—in a new direction.

Building an Antora site II

Part 2: Launching an Antora website with GitHub Pages (A lively tutorial… based on personal experience)


Three samples of rewriting content

Animal physiology essays

While at the University of British Columbia, my particular area of research was in the Department of Science, where I specialized in animal physiology. I authored a collection of essays concentrated on race horses, who due to their nature as high performing animal atheletes, have a host of physiological adaptations that make them nonpareil from a biological perspective.

Web design III

An experiment on the relationship between Sphinx and custom CSS.

Copy editing

Copy editing is a favourite pastime of mine. Monitoring for inconsistencies, repetition, style incongruities, and readability is both deeply relaxing and a fun puzzle to solve.

Writing prompts II

These prompt-based pieces were an exercise in tone, style, and audience, constrained to a meager word count of 150.

Systematic review

During my time at McGill, I helped with the first stages of a large systematic review. The project investigated the relationship between habitual intake of a population’s self-selected diet as recorded in nationally representatitve nutrition surveys, the proportion of animal- and plant-based foods, and any resulting environmental impacts.